Kevin Monahan

A highly motivated, technically inclined individual with 24+ years of valuable work experience in the IT industry.

Served in Network Admin role for 2.5 years; Developer role for 22 years. Over 14 years working remotely from my fully functional home office in Metairie, Louisiana.

Current position as Senior Application Developer for SAAS web application. Responsibilities include back end, business layer, data integration, inbound and outbound REST API integration.

This web site is a Javascript driven Asp.Net Core 6/MVC/Web API/Entity Framework Core/ Bootstrap 5 application designed in Visual Studio for mobile/web. The sample code has been simplified to focus on the technology. Site is using very basic API security.

The sample code is a collection of simple one page web applications. The technology used is a bit dated, and is not meant to represent my current skill level, but rather a collection of technologies I have encountered over the years.

NOTE: Cylor is the name of a business I started many years ago. The name Cylor has no special significance.

Kevin Monahan

  • SQL/T-SQL/Linq
  • Xamarin Mobile Dev/XAML
  • Entity Framework/EDMX
  • Silverlight/MVVM
  • DevExpress Reporting
  • Hangfire Background Jobs
  • Quickbooks API Integration
  • JQWidgets
  • Remote Client Data Sync
  • Perl/CGI
  • HTML/Bootstrap/CSS
  • Agile Methodology
  • Systems Administration
  • SQL Server 7-2017/Azure
  • Javascript/JQuery
  • Azure Web
  • AWS Cognito
  • Telerik Reporting
  • Telerik Controls/Kendo
  • Netchex API Integration
  • Windows Forms/Services
  • Visual Studio 2003-2022
  • Wordpress PHP/MySql
  • Photoshop CS
  • Azure DevOps/TFS/Git
  • Database Admin
  • IIS Web Server Admin