Dynamic Html
  • This code was used back in my classic ASP days. We allowed users to add/edit rows in a grid, to be saved to a database.
  • Click the Add button [+]. Insert data. Then click the Save button to save new row.
  • You can click the Add button [+] several times, and save multiple rows with one click of the Save button.
  • Click on text to Edit. Insert new data. Then click the Save button to save edited row.
  • You can Edit several rows at the same time.
  • You can Add and Edit data at the same time. All Adds and Edits will be saved with one click of the Save button.
  • Clicking Cancel will cancel the Add/Edit functions.
  • Click the Delete button [-] to remove a row.
  • Comments longer than 50 characters will be shown in the title text for comments. (Hover over comments to see title text)
  • NOTE: Row will not be saved if all items for that row are left blank.
  • Data is persisted in the browser's Local Storage.
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